About You for LTC Pharmacies

About You

The “About ” Page for LTC Pharmacies

There is a lot of advice from experts about creating your website’s “about” page. The “about” page is a must-have feature of your website. Done well, it gives your readers and potential customers a glimpse into who you are and creates a feeling that you are a great person to do business with. 

It turns out, for me anyway, that this isn’t easy. I can write about myself all day long, but I’m not sure you would find that particularly interesting. While pondering how to go about this I came across a post from a successful online marketing firm (wish I could find it), suggesting that the “About Me” page might be better crafted as an “About You” page,


The “About You” Page

The More I thought about this the more sense it made. Remember, the “About” page is intended to sell. You are giving the reader a reason, or at least a hint, that developing a relationship with you would be fun and profitable. Most of these pages are glorified brag sheets about all your accomplishments; your experience, awards, testimonials. Readers don’t expect you to express doubts or failures. At best, they might discover that you have solved problems that are similar to their own challenges and are not currently on any law enforcement agency’s “most wanted” list.

What if, rather than an “About Us” page, your website had an “About You” page? The content would describe the person you want to reach: their occupation, their greatest challenge, what keeps them awake at night and what would happen if you could help them overcome these challenges.

Of course, you would also describe your abilities, experience and provide a glimpse into your personality, but most importantly, you would make them believe that you understand their situation.

Why This Works

Successful marketers speak frequently about the importance of creating a “customer persona”, which is a story describing their ideal customer. For example, an LTC Pharmacy might describe their marketing persona as a nursing home administrator who is short-staffed, beset by survey deficiencies, constantly worried about whether the residents’ meds are going to show up that day and whether the invoices are going to require a forensic accountant to understand.

If your “About” page describes them perfectly, or nearly so, imagine the impression you can make. If the rest of the content reinforces your ability to deliver, I’m pretty sure you’re in the running for a chance to talk about getting the business.

I am Trying This

My early goal with this website is to get visits and to get more subscribers to my newsletters. I will soon have other products and services to market, but for now I am looking for relationships. I decided to take the leap, so I published an About You page on my site. 

Take a look and see what you think. My initial plan is to track visits to my “About You” page and see what the trend is over the next few weeks. I’ll also add some links in the page to see whether the content delivers any value. 

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